
How do Female Entrepreneurs Stand Out in the Pack?

Not just a business where they are the only employee. I understand there’s lots of reasons why women do that, including the fact that it is a wonderful career to work for yourself and people get to own a business…but I would just like to see more women taking charge and saying “ I am building something that is going to change millions of lives” and pursuing that relentlessly”. (Heather Payne, Co-founder of HackerYou and Ladies Learning Code.)

5.     Have a story that resonates with everyone.

Believe it or not having a story laid out that explains exactly why you have chosen to start a specific business can go a long way. By no means does it have to be the most majestic story, or the next best seller on New York Times. Simply have a story to tell that is genuine and incorporates the sole purpose of the business and why you are pursuing it. Typically when someone is passionate about an idea, it is easier to sell that story than the actual product or business.

As a client, it is sometimes nice to know the connection of how it all comes together. What you will find is that people are more likely to remain a loyal customer because they want to support your cause. Ok, we are not suggesting that you get sentimental and over dramatic. Just have a story that is honest and that can be told to carry on through word of mouth.

So for those of you who have not even had the chance to start your business, this also affects you in a big way. Being able to tell that story is what might lead people to work with you, in order to make this business of yours a reality. Being prepared with a store can set you apart from people who are eager to just talk about numbers and the rate of return.

Here is what Katie Grennan had to say about having a story prepared:

“I think the most important thing is to have a story that people really resonate with.  That is what is really going to continue to draw people in the future. As opposed to putting out something that is just sort of a nameless and faceless thing, that can only be driven by pricing and costs or however you are going to compete. I think that having authenticity and a story behind it, can really help.  Even the client can resonate with the story, even if you’re not there.” (Katie Grennan, founder of Alma Spa).

6.     Surround yourself with a professional network that has a positive attitude, and a healthy appetite for ambition.            

The final piece of advice that Arbitrage is going to leave you with is to actively be a part of a solid network of entrepreneurs. While some people are lucky to have many entrepreneurial friends in their lives, others may not have the same luck. Not too worry though. If you live in a big city, chances are there are already groups and event nights taking place, with the sole purpose of networking between entrepreneurs.

By attending to these types of events you have a chance to bounce ideas off, or perhaps learn how others are making their business thrive. Make no mistake, having a group like this in your entrepreneurial career can make a world’s difference. It is not uncommon for small businesses to have each other’s back and consistently promote one another. Once again, even if you currently do not have an idea, we still encourage you to attend events. By doing so, you might find answers to many unanswered questions.

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